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Sunday, December 13, 2009

BATTLE: Why the Red Epic and Scarlet is the Canon 1D, 5D and 7D killer

Today you should be excited to be the underdog filmmaker.

In the last two years we have seen nothing less than an industrial revolution. And we can thank the Red One Digital Cinema camera for this. For the first time in history both you and I have access to the very same tools as the likes of Peter Jackson, Steven Soderberg, and Lars Von Trier. Finally, a chance to play with the big boys.

But then Canon came along and spoiled everything. The 5DmkII. Sure it only had a useless 30 frames per second. But it shot in 1080p HD. Maybe one day, they'll release a firmware upgrade, we dreamed. So we all went out and bought one. Instead of updates they realeased a MUCH cheaper camera. The 7D. And it had better features. So we all traded our 5Ds in for 7Ds. Then Canon released the 1D... I believe the following line should be, "And we wept."

Is either the Canon 1, 5 or 7D really a Red-killer at all (whatever that means)?

In short, no. In long, no.

- Abysmal colour space
- compressed to hell mpeg4 image
- average dynamic range
- I dare you to even try to shoot with this baby handheld. I double dare you. Expect tears.
- no real way to judge exposure in camera
- insane image skew
- crazy moire
- no RAW mode for video.

Now, let me be the first to say that I have a canon 7D. Does this make me a hypocrite? Absolutely.

I have even used it on shoots before. But I also have a Red One. And if you are comparing the two to each other, you are an idiot.

Yep. Idiot.

It would be like comparing a Panavision 35mm film camera to a bolex. 2 entirely different mediums with entirely different uses.

Yet right now the Canon 7D is certainly a valuable compliment to my arsenal. Despite its semi-retarded functionality.

The Canon 7D is a stills camera with the happy accident of convenient HD video. It is NOT designed to be a video/film camera. I truly believe that Canon had no idea what they were doing when they first released the 5DmkII and afterwards scrambled to discover why. And they are still scratching their heads as to why they struck such a nerve with so many people out there.

Would I use a my Canon to shoot a feature film? Hell no. But would I use it as a crash cam? Without batting an eyelid. Or even a high end web viral video.

Now on anything smaller than a 32 inch LCD your Canon should look fine 2/3 of the time. It's the other 1/3 that worries me. It's that other 1/3 which is why I would never take it along to a major production as my A camera.

Once Scarlet and Epic come out with 3k, 5k and 6k resolution with none of the problems that Canon has plus an insane array of features (insane dynamic range, insane high speed shooting, insane few seconds start up time, insane gps, insane motion/gravity sensor, insane wireless, insane RAW, insane touch screen that automatically tracks focus, and not to mention full 3D shooting integration to name a few) ...Well, once these babies come out it's game, set and match.

Scarlet/Epic = iPhone on crack, steroids and new experimental drugs = I fucking love modern technology.

And for the same reason that iPod has become synonymous with mp3 player, Red will become synonymous with Digital Cinema.

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